We stand at a pivotal moment for housing in the North Bay, and your voice has never been more important.
We’ve laid out a concrete Housing Action Plan to ignite immediate and meaningful change. But plans are only as strong as the community support behind them. When you join us, you’re not just lending your voice; you’re amplifying a collective call for a brighter, more equitable future. You’re affirming that everyone deserves a place to call home, where they can contribute to an equitable, healthy, and resilient North Bay. It’s a future we can all be part of, and it starts with you.
Urgent Call to Action on Housing Solutions
Democratize Local Housing Solutions >
Zone for People >
Fast and Fair >
Incentivize Affordability: Right Size Fees >
People & Planet over Parking >

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

necesitan lugares
asequibles para vivir.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

necesitan lugares
asequibles para vivir.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

Farm workers
need affordable
places to live.

necesita un lugar
asequible para vivir.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

need affordable
places to live.

needs an affordable
place to live.

necesita un lugar
asequible para vivir.

necesita un lugar
asequible para vivir.

need affordable
places to live.
We envision vibrant communities where everyone can contribute to an equitable, healthy, and resilient North Bay.
This begins with homes.
Democratize Local Housing Solutions:
Prop 5 will allow us to approve local affordable housing and infrastructure bonds at a reasonable 55 percent when those bonds meet strict accountability and oversight provisions.
Zone for People:
End exclusionary zoning by 2024. Create more diverse and more affordable housing by allowing up to 4-plex housing in single-family zones and expand zoning for Missing Middle small apartment complexes. This also empowers homeowners to maximize the value of their property, and takes a step toward righting the wrong of decades of discriminatory zoning practices.
Fast and Fair:
Streamline housing development by integrating Design Review Boards into Planning Commissions. This accelerates housing projects while still ensuring transparency and accountability in decision-making.
Incentivize Affordability:
Support near-term construction of Affordable and affordable-by-design workforce housing by right sizing fees and adopting fees based on square footage. This is an imperative offset to current economic forces making development financially infeasible.
People & Planet over Parking:
Let developers and their tenants make climate-smart decisions on parking needs by eliminating costly and heavy-handed parking mandates. This promotes a more sustainable approach to housing without passing on additional costs to residents.