Prohousing Update, August 2023

Generation Housing congratulates Rohnert Park for securing its Prohousing designation. The city joins Windsor, Santa Rosa, and Sonoma County in receiving recognition for their work towards accelerating housing production. We are proud to have assisted in the early review of the application and commend the planning staff for their diligence, creativity, and commitment to reducing barriers to the construction of affordable units. By waiving its public facility fees for affordable housing and collaborating with the Housing Land Trust of Sonoma County, Rohnert Park stands out as a model of how mid-size cities can think outside of the box when it comes to prohousing efforts. As Rohnert Park ramps up the development and consolidation of its downtown plan, these policies will serve to streamline and finance needed projects.

Thirty jurisdictions have now received the designation. With a total of four from Sonoma County, we lead the Bay Area with the most designees – and Generation Housing is proud to have played a role in advising and educating the recipients. The award entitles jurisdictions to priority funding for housing and infrastructure projects, including funds related to transit-oriented development. These funds can offset local contributions to housing projects which have increased in recent years. With competitive state funds prioritized through the Prohousing Designation, Sonoma County’s contributions to affordable projects could more than double.