1910 Sebastopol Rd

Garden Square

Generation Housing is excited to share our endorsement of the Garden Square project.

The proposed project will be 5 stories, contain a total of 75 residential units, and include 6,815 sq.ft. of ground floor retail. A majority of the planned units (~40) will be two-bedroom units while the balance will consist of one-bedroom units. Four of these units will also be deed-restricted affordable units available to low-income residents making 60 percent of the Area Median Income.

Garden Square will feature a 2nd floor terrace, it is proximate to a major bus line, and it benefits from access to several essential and non-essential services within a half-mile radius of the project site. A convenience store, a bar, and laundry facilities are also envisioned for the 1st floor commercial spaces.

We are pleased to see this project proposed in such a central location. We look forward to the redevelopment of this site into a denser, more sustainable, mixed-use housing project that will provide greater benefit to the community.