Generation Housing proudly endorses the 3575 Mendocino Avenue Project, a project that strongly aligns with our project endorsement criteria and guiding principles.
The 2017 wildfires severely harmed Sonoma County as over 5,300 homes were lost, including 162 mobile homes that were destroyed at the former Journey’s End Mobile Home Park. Redevelopment of the former Journey’s End site is instrumental, both materially and symbolically, to Sonoma County’s overall recovery by offering high-density residential housing with a mix of affordable and market rate units near public transit.
This project offers an opportunity to meet several important City of Santa Rosa goals. In terms of scope, the 3575 Mendocino Ave Project will have a significant impact in meeting the City’s state housing production goals by adding a considerable number of urgently needed housing. Moreover, the project includes a large number of dedicated deed-restricted affordable homes along with the market-rate homes, an important value-add that affirmatively advances inclusionary housing by creating more integrated mixed-income neighborhoods. Lastly, and just as importantly, the project siting is near multiple transit options that can enable and encourage residents to reduce carbon emissions and help further local climate action goals.