July Update, from Jen Klose

We need you! 

Summer Membership Drive:

We cannot do this work without you. It is that simple. We need your voices and your energy. We need the policy and decision makers we advocate to know that Generation Housing is not just a handful of folks hollering about housing, but that we are, and represent, a significant number of community members that are saying loudly, clearly, and together:

It’s time that we take action on our number one community issue!

We want our children and grandchildren to be able to live here!

We want to reduce traffic and improve air quality by building housing where people work!

We want to improve the quality of life of our lower and middle-wage earners by building more housing that meets their needs and doesn’t break their banks — the workers who power our local economy deserve to do better than barely making the rent!

We need our community to be more resilient to disaster, whether it is economic or natural, by ensuring that everyone has a safe, stable, affordable home going in!

We want the kind of economically and culturally vibrant community that is only possible with a healthy housing system!

Step one to building and raising the volume and impact of this chorus of voices is increasing membership numbers. We need to count you as one of us — of Gen H, the people that are determined to tackle this problem. And you can do that at whatever level is possible and meaningful for you, starting at just $5 a year (and for $50, you can fly the Gen H colors by rocking the best hat around).

During this summer membership drive, I ask each of you who shares our prohousing values and goals to either join as a first-time member, renew (and maybe increase the level of) your membership, or pitch membership to one or more of your friends and neighbors. We cannot do this work without you: you put the We in the We Are Gen H.

Highlighting our Housing Champions Award: 

This is an opportunity to recognize those who have gone above and beyond in making impactful contributions to housing in the North Bay. I encourage each one of you to nominate a deserving individual or organization that exemplifies the spirit of Housing Champions. You can find more about our nomination process below!

Take Action!

And finally, speaking of raising our voices, sign up for our action alerts here if you haven’t done so. We provide regular opportunities for easy ways to get involved and move housing solutions forward, and we’ve got two big policy initiatives for which we’re going to be launching advocacy efforts soon — you’ll want to be involved!

In partnership,
